113782 travel part comes 2018103 Shanghai! Announce of control of rehearsal titbits traffic is ensure 2018 103 Shanghai江浙沪娱乐地图 113782 travel section kicks off transportation of this city road is safe, orderly during big round of drinks swims, basis ” law of police of people of People’s Republic of China 上海闵行水磨桑拿会所” ” law上海会所2018招聘技师 of safety of transportation of road of People’s Republic of China ” ” public crowd collects Shanghai safety administration m2019上海油压店关了easure ” concerned regulation, shanghai public security bureau comes on September 13, 2018 definitely to this city partial section, road will be adopted on September 16 temporarily traffic control measure. Show announce to be as follows: One.9 month 13 days 0 when to on September 16 7 when 30 minutes阿拉爱上海同城 pow, dragon knack prohibits car is current, public transportation circuitry implements measure of change its course. 2, on September 14 20 when come 30 minutes on September 15 1 when, the road in sea of 69310 the Huaihe River, willow forest road prohibits car is current, public transportation circuitry implements measure of change its course. 3, on September 15 17 when to 22 when 30 minutes, road of the road in sea of the Huaihe River, willow forest road, s阿拉爱上海 社区女生点评ource of Pu Anlu, peach, Shou Ning road, road visitting booth, too storehouse the road prohibits car is current, public transportation circuitry implements measure of change its course. 4, on Septem宁波水磨会所论坛ber 15 17 when come 30 minutes 22 when 30 minutes, the road in sea of the Huaihe River, road austral luxuriant name prohibi上海桑拿会所最新体验ts car is current, public transportation circuitry i上海油压店关了好多mplements measure of change its course. 5, on September 15 18 when come 30 minutes 23 when, the road i上海会所全套价格行情 上海桑拿会所n sea of the H嘉定现在还有油压店 uaihe River / crossing of the road austral Shaanxi allows car to pass through, but prohibit sailing sea of the Huaihe River is medium to the south of the road austral Shaanxi way a section of a highway. 19 when come 30 minutes 23 when, the road in sea of the Huaihe River prohibits sidelong of ca419夜上海r north and south is worn. 6, on September 15 17 when to 21 when 30 minutes, the road in Jin Ling, long happy way inspects affection to prohi上海水磨会所论坛bit motor-driven car is current. 7, on September 15 19 when come 30 minutes 22 when 30 minutes, north and south wears a road high east full line is carried out below the road in sea of side the Huaihe River shut measure. During afore-mentioned r爱上海同城对对碰 aishxoad carry out traffic control, except hold ” kick off big round of drinks swims the car jockeys card ” car and the special purpose vehicle of executive task allow to pass through outside, other vehicle no entry. At the appointed time, management department of public security t黄浦桑拿ransportation will change a condition according to spot work, inspect affection to shift to an earlier date or postpone traffic control time, expand or limits of contractible traffic control, please broad citizen has made a travel arrangement beforehand, coordinate work of management department of public security transportation actively. Safety is on guard 1, travel section practiced traffic control that day, the tourist that views and admire toward the spot before suggests to take public traffic. 2, in view and admire while had attended the child beside please, avoid be lost. 3, the spot complies with direct of security working personnel, civilization is viewed and admire, if need to help,dial 110 tonight, we make an appointment section of 2018 Shanghai travel