Installed futures to do in Henan consolidate a righteous act undertaken for the public good by Guo Ta水磨和干磨什么意思ijun a few days ago ” Henan area nonferrous metal produces plenary meeting of be in harmony ” on, guo Taijun installs futures nonferrous metal senior researcher Ji Xianfei expresses, 208455 copper price 143188 do not have 1034 considerably 46785 drop 131100 foundations. “Logic of drive of 208455 copper price changes direction by stock change macroscopical disturb. 2016, 2017, dominance stock change and cupreous pri上海浦江镇水磨会所ce negative close; Enter 2018, macroscopical disturb increase, become influence copper price to take the main factor of situation, dan Hong view disturbs tardy not Xiang Zhongwei view is conducted. ” Ji Xianfei expresses, from macroscopical on look, the pro闵行会所水磨全套bability that Sino-US trade friction causes global banking crisis is lesser, and the limit influence that commerce chafes is in damply. In addition, country goes lever is short-term increase pressure of economic be issued to lower levels, in be helpful for development of economic high quality for a long time. “Leave a risk to prevent economy to appear, the State Council is standing the conference asks macroscopical policy is stable, active finance policy is more vigorous, degree of tightness of firm monetary policy is measurable. Finance policy is more vigorous, the capital construction project that drives local government, the government lifts debt dimensions to will continue to expand, capital construction investment is added fast will pick up, drive basic metal demand then. ” J上海桑拿体验论坛 上海桑拿休闲会所推荐i Xianfei complement says, but also cannot excessive and hopeful, be in because of the limit effectiveness of active finance policy damply. Main area side, from demand end looks, one of, estate investment pic上海水磨群ks up strength is finite, but the investment performance of the residential part closely related to cupreous consumption is good; The scale that office building and commerce do business to occupy estate to develop total investmentaishx爱上海验证交流 with room investment glides continuously, but residential investment finishs the forehead to occupy rise than lasting, show market of estate of 345 lines city may last to good. Secondly, net investment will add the country, investment of electrified wire netting of net acceptance annual reached the nation 2018 498.9 billion yuan, prep above 485.4 billion yuan of 2017, if the net a魔都桑拿419chieves the nation annual target, so second half of the year invests 1034 increase considerably, and investment of electrified wire netting will drive cupreous consumption. Thirdly, data of 干磨水磨什么意思air conditioning produce and sale maintains two digit growth first half of the year, last year achieve on the 131100 foundations of high cardinal number of the corresponding period piece new tall, very difficult look forward to reachs products of any other and traditional home appliance. Residential investment and accumulative total of air conditioning sale in domestic market compared to the same period positive closes, investment of residence of second half of the year increases production of the air conditioning that prop up and sa上海蓝月亮kble. Its 4, traditional c上海贵族宝贝论坛419ar sale上海有花头的女性spa按摩s volume glides, car of new energy resources sells high speed growth. Deduct replacement demand, 1, the car sales volume July reduces three hundred and twenty-eight thousand five hundred, to copper consumptive increment contribution is negative number. Nevertheless, increment of sale of car of new energy resources i闵行辰皇娱乐是荤场s bigger, offsetted traditional car上海松江哪有洗浴大保健 sales volume partly glide, current increment is 293 thousand. In the meantime, car of new energy resources is measured with copper is traditional car measure with copper 2, 3 times, automobile industry still always is put in increment with copper. From supply end to look, copper mine is supplied ex会所安全还是工作室ceed slightly anticipate, chile copper mine goes on strike disturb to have a bit drop, going on strike is to anticipate generally. Abandoning cupreous market to supply insecurity is inevitable incident, its will be become disturb the main factor of the price. Zoology environment ministry cancels to abandon entrance of representative of cupreous trade unit not only, and was cut down considerably abandon 7 kinds check and ratify to import an amount, volume of the import that abandon copper decreases considerably. In the meantime, hasten of policy of our country environmental protection is severe, solid is abandoned or prohibit importing entirely, the State Council ” prohibit silvering coin in the round rubbish enters a country, severity hits smuggling, reduce solid trash to import sort and amount considerably, strive 2020 before the end of the year trash of basic implementation solid 0 entrances ” . Additional, domestic useless copper is supplied finite, the net abandons the state old goods and materials deals with the project decreases, electron of useless old electric equipment tears open solution dimensions to magnify hard, the car tears open skill to measure under anticipate. The 56138 summary after analysing two sides of supply and demand say Ji Xianfei, 上海飞机按摩论坛cupreous terminal consumes existence to increase a space, and policy of the import that abandon copper raises the price of the commodities, cupreous price and 143188 do not have considerably 46785 drop foundation, much limit income is done to rise after dropping. He suggests, experience copper company can pass option market to be locked up ahead of schedule