Original title: “Parent report ” 46259 standards are in ” comfortable ageing ” below the setting that the concept is popular, furniture of intelligent household, comfortable ageing is ceaseless get rid of the stale and bring forth the fresh, and the home appliance that suits old people to use seeks sign hard in the market however. Those who be worth to rejoice is, eventually the manufacturer delivers the view to ” comfortable old electric equipment ” . Recently, report of Beijing a form of address formally used by an employee to his employer or a tenant-peasant to his landlord announces, will comfortable old product alone fractionation, make home appliance new class, will combine 46259 standardization academies of Chinese and home appliance manufacturer to roll out ” standard of comfortable old electric equipment ” . What kind of will this standard be? The phenomenon is comfortable old electric equipment all the time not make good up to 2017 the end of the year, population of 60 years old of above of our country already was achieved 241 million, 17.3% what occupy countrywide total population. Statistical data makes clear, at present the market demand of our country senile things and service is annual 600 billion yuan, the product that offers for old people and service are not worth 100 billion yuan however. According to statistical data, buy new-style electric equipment to the old person, had become young generation to express main kind上海闵行油压爽记 of Da Xiaoxin. A lot of businessmen saw this one business chance, but not little space exists however between the real demand of the product that roll out and old people. “Some manufacturer think the word magnified simply, th上海外卖品茶群e use habit tha上海到哪里去嫖便宜t big, function reduced sound to accord with old people namely. So simple and crude thinking is cognitive, also caused senile home appliance to consume market good and evil people mixed up, urgently the confused situation of standardization. ” Beijing east Liu Jun of president of department of career of store home appliance expresses, how to satisfy the real requirement of old people, it is a task that deserves research very much. Chaos of market of senile home appliance is including depth like backside second reason. “Intelligence ” , ” interconnection each other is connected ” the mainstream trend that is home appliance market. But to a few old people, accept rise difficulty is not little. For instance, some freezer have several doors, differ上海好玩的荤场夜总会ent door puts different thing, the old person is done not clear; Some washing machine port are designed too lowly, for difficult to bowing old people very no-go. Such problem, exist generally actually. Although a few manufacturers had noticed these issues, but the standard that did not unite as a result of each, bring about comfortable old electric equipment to did not form climate all the time. The home appliance such as prospective TV freezer most first ” comfortable old ” Li Hongtao of controller 上海男士spa都送飞机吗虹口桑拿of public r上海gm推荐群elations 佳人阁论坛全国兼职验证of brand of report of Beijing a form of address formally used by an employee to his employer or a tenant-peasant to his landlord tells a reporter, the industry paid close attention to this one problem now, but should solve a problem to need integrated industry resource, this needs proper time. Compare s贵族宝贝cientific method, establish an uniform standard first namely, urge the change of the industry again. Then, had capital east wait for authoritative orgnaization to be made jointly with Chinese standardization academy ” comfortable old electric equipment ” standard act. This action also got sea Er, beauty, the response of the home appliance tycoon such as division force. But up to now, still be in as a result of the standard attestation phase, still do not have on the market ” comfortable old electric equipment ” this category. Li Hongtao says, the standard that drafts at present i上海kb论坛上海kb会所nvolves television, freezer, washing machine, air conditioning only, smoke lampblack machine, kitchen burning gas and alexipharmic ark to wait for big home appliance. “These a few class are current fr上海狼族藏凤阁1314om it is implementation rises to mature relatively for the technology, and 正规足浴店推油是什么also be common people daily the most necessary home appliance product. We still are being discussed ceaselessly, because before be, the industry is blank, in needing to fumbling before row. ” according to the report, t金山荤场KTVhe home appliance that according to this comfortable old standard produces will be 2019上海指压油压论坛affixed ” attestation of comfortable old electric equipment ” label. Future, beijing east will set technical label for these products, consumer is ticked off after choosing this option, the result that chooses is the product that passes attestation of comfortable old electric equipment. Go to the lavatory greatly thereby consumer choose and buy, can commodity that can find oneself to need, promote shopping experience. Come round to look from eye, although platform of business of a few cable also can have similar ” send pa Mom ” the commendation of and so on, but these ar上海徐汇区哪里有桑拿e to be based on mostly a few explode paragraph product and the faintness that make changes recommend, do not suit old people really certainly. Grab fresh big data to be made according to comfortable old standard for form of model of comfortable old electric equipment