Annual “ double 11 ” , weak point the platform that releases inside 24 hours, businessman and consumer energy, already became “ new spending ” is the richest represe上海品新茶ntative observation sample, more multivariate category choice, richer consumption content, mo阿拉爱上海同城对对碰 阿拉爱上海同城419re optimized shopping experience, explaining the intention of word of “ new ” . The expert points out, the ” after accompanying “95 consumes a group, and the disappear of 34 lines city rises abruptly painfully, wait in the commercial infrastructure of ceaseless iteration and Internet continue of swift and violent development aid push, our country consumpti上海最新油压论坛on is arousing new latent capacity, greet ” of period of bonus of “ new spending. “ double 11 ” highlight consumption to upgrade one day this, the sales figures of platform of each cable business runs quickly madly all the way, ceaseless refresh. The data in A shows, up to on November 12 0:0 00 seconds, day cat “ double assembly of carnival of 11 ” whole world hands in 213.5 billion yuan, more than 2017 day cat “ double 11 ” are r宝山亿博大厦桑拿ound-the-clock clinch a deal frontal record; On November 1 0:00 to 11 days of 09:36, beijing east odd amount surmoun百凤阁论坛入口ts “11.11 whole world to came 11 days on November 1, 2017 below accumulative total of &rdqu上海油压店哪里漂亮o; of good thing red-letter day record; Up to 11 days at 14 o’clock, odd amount already exceeded 135.4 billion上海后花园交友论坛 yua上海好的桑拿n below accumulative total. The “ of annual break double 11 ” expenditure is spent, go up somehow confirm the driving impetus that needs inside our country consumption. And consumption upgrades to be reflected not only spend in expenditure on, more expression is in what consume to quality consumption, character to chase after hold in both hands on. &ldq夜上海最新论坛uo; looks from the circumstance this year, high quality consumption is the biggest characteristic. ” Beijing east the group is senior vice president, big career of quick pass the time in a leisurely way group president Wang Xiaosong expresses 11 days, no matter be to import quick pass the time in a leisurely way to taste, old brand and high-end brand, value is relative what taller novelty spy commodity sells is hot, still spell the old brand in buying, high price to be worth a product to sell amplitude apparent, consumption 虹口君爵spaof young still user pays attention to character more, explain high quality consumption is one big characteristic. The health in A consumes Zhong Congdi of general manager of department of medical treat上海半套服务 上海周边哪里有半套的ment career to say, from clinch a deal in light of amount, go 5 years add fast before 5 the fastest industries are outfit of medical health, home respectively domestic act the role ofing, hairdressing nurses, book sound resembles and 3C number. Public spending is entering the new level that character changes, consumer casts look more to outfit of healthy, home, culture to consume wait and the field with life close and associated character. Those who deserve attention is, “ double 11 ” are given priority to by pattern of the spending below the line show to th爱上海贵族宝贝e trend all the more that upgrades with kind tying below the line on the line gradually. The general merchandise below many lines, sell participate in “ field double in activity of 11 ” sales promotion. As we have learned, the day cat “ such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou double 11 ” are new the digitlization of retail city experien上海会所全套多少钱ces implementation dimensions is changed. Voice also is in each large ne上海油压 贴吧 w retail trade this node meeting, make an organic whole of the linkage below the line on the line, create experience of whole new life and commercial efficiency, disappear of the city that solve a lock is arduous. Many s上海gm群汇总pending new power rises abruptly Chinese “ double 11 ” had taken the 10th year insensibly. The expert inside course of study points out, the line on suddenly development, line issues the bitter fleabane that accompanying whole society to consume tide of commercial infrastructure upgrade in the round, acting ” is coming when new spending of a “ . Beijing east big data shows, 2008, the consumption of consumer basically still is being used centrally and live kind of commodity on, arrived 2017, no matter be range or deepness, expanding to whole class, food,