Today, standing committee of 15 National People’s Congress the 15th times the conference continues to hold. The conference is list闵行都市路水疗会所路ened to and discussed people government to advance the cir上海油压店2019闵行cumstance that community provide for the aged works to report about this city. Cui of Yan Yi of dir日式拉丝全体位水磨spaector of standing committee of city National People’s Congress attends the meeting. The report shows, up to by September 2019, whole town already accumulative total extends senile and integrated allowance 18.23 billion yuan, benefit and old people of census register of above of 65 one full year of life 3.844 million person; Long protect already enclothed 477 thousand old people nearly. Curre南京桑拿会所哪里最好nt, whole town realizes ” community basically already to be town of street of ” of ol上海荤场子d service center integratedly to be enclothed completely; Already built old age of more than 800 community to aid eat to s阿拉爱上海同城会员验证区erve a room, day all offers food 80 thousand much stranger. Zhu Qinhao of director of citizen political situation introduces: “Will add place of 200 s阿拉爱上海新人验证交流区enile services that aid eat newly to bring into municipal government solid item to look again this year, implementation to the end of 2022 the amount breaks up time, achieve 1600. The community that will build 400 above to 2022 is old service center integratedly. ” however, standing committee of city National People’s Congress discovers in survey, while establishment of provide for the aged increases ceaselessly, old people begins to long for more careful and rich ” provide for the aged to serve packet of ” . Environmental protection of city building of city National People’s Congress appoint Yan Zujiang of vice闵行哪里有水磨2019 director committee member is being discussed in, spot citing: “Old people of community of the part in survey is mirrorred, dish type chooses not much, 上海宝山男士spataste to compare drab, heat preservation to last the service also is deficient in somewhat. ” for this, company of city National People’s Congress is built appoint Ying Xueyun of cha阿拉爱上海 北京 通州irman committee member suggests, want to promote the service of community provide for the aged quality, be about to listen to old people more ” sound ” . “Launch investigation of old people demand regularly, diversification of understanding old people, mutiple level community provide for the aged serves demand. For instance, old people discovers in survey to helping medical service, aid the 上海 新完美 普陀service such as clean, health management to have very big demand. ” in be being discussed, also the committee member puts forward, although market of this city provide for the aged is huge, but the ” of ” glass door of the market still exists. Want to arouse market vigor, “Governmental ” and ” market ” must make clear respective fixed position. Finance and economics of city National People’s Congress appoint bit of Wei of Zhao of vice director committee member says: “Capi上海哪家夜总会荤场tal of a lot of societies wants to participate in very much among them, but the current situation is the person that 上海嘉定马陆水磨会所consider the much, person that see asking person is much, much, truly dry person is not much however. I suggest to want to build more fair market competition environment, deepen community provide for the aged to serve domain ” to put a canal to上海这段时间把油压按摩店都关了 take ” reform ceaselessly, those who上海哪个区最多指压店 do away with market strength to enter industry of provide for the aged is invisible camp. ” in discussing, the member that standing committee group grows up is returned with respect to current situation of rural provide for the aged, nurse the problem such as team education, publish an opinion to suggest.